Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Resolutions...

Since it's the start of a new year, I am putting in writing my goals for 2010. I figure if they are in writing, they are less likely to be forgotten and ergo, more likely to actually get done!

So here it goes folks.....

1. Be more patient with my kids. I love them more than life itself, but staying home 24/7 and doing it all, at least that's how it feels, is taxing and definately makes you want to rip your hair out at times. So this year I'm going to just relax. Beathe in, then out, in, then, out......

2. Keep up on the blog more frequently and frankly, just better. There is no excuse for my utter laziness at times.

3. Make more projects for me. I know it sounds selfish, but pretty much everything I make is for the house and kids, so I want a little for just me this year. Selfish or not, it's gonna happen.

4. Cook more. I love to cook, but sometimes I get into a rut. I want to make more with less. Less additives, less salt (The Yimmy has high blood pressure), less crap. More love, more vegetables, more local!

So here's a happy new year wish to all of you. Let 2010 begin!