I realized a few days back that this new "replacement" baby has not had any mama-made goodness yet. Stinker had a closet full of clothes by this point in utero, and this little one didn't even have a burp cloth. Well that had to change!
I found a cute women's knit nightgown for 99cents at my favorite place....wait for it....wait for it....Value Village. It had this adorable little farm design and was nice and thick. I used a 1992 OOP McCalls's 6136 and made a sweet little baby gown.
Please ignore the wrinkles, I'm a lazy ass today
Close up of the fabric. The signs say "Welcome to Wisconsin, America's Dairyland". Forget the fact that we live in Alaska and have never even been to Wisconsin.
I went with an elastic casing at the bottom to avoid any strangled baby ribbon issues. I think it is just adorable. So adorable in fact that I made another version this morning.

Now please ignore the wrinkles and the crappy lighting, we've had rain non-stop. Rainy weather=crappy pictures

Close up of the fabric. I says "I LOVE then there are pictures of carrots. Too cute.
I used a piece of thrifted knit and the ribbing off of one of my stepdaughter's old shirts. I have done another elastic casing, though it doesn't show it in the picture. I think I may do a little bunny applique in the ribbing just to help break up the whiteness.
It's no couture gown, but I'm pretty happy with how quick and easy they were. Now all we need is the baby to fill them out :)