Friday, November 2, 2012

{this moment}

Inspired by the lovely Friday posts of Amanda Blake Soule @ Soulemama:

A friday ritual. A single photo-no words-capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extrodinary moment. A moment I wasnt to pause, savor and remember...."

Full Steam Ahead!

Holy cow it's been a long time since I've blogged! I've had a long list to get my Etsy shop in order and this needed to get checked off! Just because I haven't been on, doesn't mean I haven't been busy!

Halloween is a really big deal centering around my sewing room. Four costumes that are mama-made and are warm enough for our Alaskan Halloween is a tall order.

I've been busy in the shop as well. My poor machine has gotten lots of use lately churning out covers, woolies and nursing pads galore! I've been featured in a bunch of treasuries as well which is totally awesome.

This weekend I'm focusing my sewing on a charity cause. Superstorm Sandy has done some terrible damage to my native New York. I'll be sewing up fleece socks & mittens to send back east to be handed out to those who need them. I'm hoping to have a FRB STUFFED by Monday!

Now time to go sew :)