Tuesday, September 22, 2009

001:Freakin Awesome Featured Shop

If you have little kiddos at home, or friends who may have any you have to check out this etsy shop. Gulf Coast Cottage PDF sells tons of felt patterns, both food and toys, which are all so cute. How would you ever just choose one?
This is my favorite of her food patterns:

(Photo pulled from GulfCoastCottagePDF.etsy.com)

Check out her shop and start sewing up your felt food christmas presents early! Every pattern is super affordable making it a great way to stock up your pretend pantry. I plan on making one or two of her patterns in the near future and will review them here for all of you who also want to try them out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi...I'm Laura from Italy; I also made felt food http://chebirba.blogspot.com/search/label/Felt%20Food

    In my blog I'd wrote a post where is cited also your blog:

    bye bye Laura!

    p.s. sorry if I had cancelled my previous post but I made a mistake with my english :D
