Wednesday, December 30, 2009
It seems that things are beginning to settle down around here (thankfully) and I look foward to the new year bringing some much needed new time. I will resume the giveaways here shortly, however it is obviously not for the holidays (although I suppose you could stash it away for
X-MAS 2010!)
Wishing you all a Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year. Happy Crafting!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
shame on me
Friday, October 23, 2009
Winner Announced...
Eema-le, as soon as I get your info, I will mail it out.
Stay tuned for the next giveaway (it will likely be delayed since posting a giveaway without pictures of what you're actually giving away is really lame).
Thursday, October 22, 2009
welcome kelty
She just adores Stinker and lays with Thing 1 everynight while she falls asleep. We are not completely sold on her name, so this weekend we will be having a family vote to change it. She really is a wonderful little kitty and is settling in well.
In other pet related news, I have moved our two bunnies from our garage into our greenhouse. I would love to have them in the house with us, but our house is old and gets unbareably hot at times. I would rather not come home to find them "sleeping". The greenhouse is attached to our dining room by a large glass door.
It stays pretty much between 40-70 degrees at all times. They love it! They have no cage, they get to just run around and look out the windows, dig in the raised beds and generally make a huge mess with the straw. They have also learned how to climb the three steps that lead to the door, so when you are sitting down eating dinner, you will generally find a furry critter or two staring at your food. Gosh they are cute!
I just ordered a new memory card reader, so hopefully I will have pics up and running again soon. Blog posts just seem off with all these words and no lovely pics to go with them.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
happy halloweenie stinker
Okay, so maybe you don't see it. Apparently, no one else does either. But that's okay. I'm his mom and I guess it's normal to come up with little nicknames for your kids.
And so this is this years costume. Sorry there is no pics of him in it. He was sleeping at first. Then when he woke up I got some of him all dressed, but then my card reader went to shit. So....I guess I'd say not to expect too many pics over the next few days.
I used a McCall's snowsuit pattern. I added a tail and some "toenails" to his mitts and feet. The shell was made by draping remanant fleece over a basket and pinning until I got a shape that I liked. The green fleece was in my stash. The mustard was leftover from a baby blanket I made for a friend a while back and the brown was leftover from a fleece jacket I made for myself. I'm really really really happy with how it all turned out. I made an Large but since he is only 5months old, I was worried he's look like a partially skinned turtle. But alas, he's a chunklet and it's not nearly as big on him as I thought.
P.S. the L is like 12-18 months or something like that. I'll dig up the pattern specs a little later and post them in case anyone is interested in tackling a baby snowsuit. It's really not that hard. I lost like 2/3 of the directions and still got it together. So I'm convinced that a somewhat experienced beginner can work it out.
* The pattern is McCall's M5220. It's sized from Newborn (8-12 pounds)to Large (22-25 pounds) in one envelope. It seems to be a pretty true fit. It works up fairly quick, the longest part is probably lining up the snaps! They can be a real pain in the ass!
How does he fit in his carseat with that you ask? Because I'm lazy and didn't want to add buttons, velcro or snaps, I just used diaper pins to attach it to his little back. I probably wouldn't rec. safety pins, diaper pins are made so babies can't really undo them.
I have just a wee bit of handsewing left to do, then this goes into the "FINISHED" pile. *breath a sigh of relief* One project down, like nine trillion to go....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Handmade Holiday Gift Giveaway #2
Monday, October 19, 2009
Slacking Already!
And so this is what my days are filled with at the moment....
Needless to say, my sewing time is pretty irregular! I hope to announce it tomorrow afternoon. Sorry folks. Stinker says sorry too!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Winner Announced
"Love the bibs! Pefect for our soon-to-be-born first grand-daughter (Yippee!)Answer to the question? I would like to be OCTOPUS WOMAN!!! Why? Because it would give me 6 more arms to carry, sew, hold books, cook, rake, clap, hug than I presently have!!!" (The kids thought that this was super funny!)
I will be mailing out your bibs ASAP as soon as I get your address. Congrats to the soon to be grandbaby too! And seriously, who wouldn't want 6 more arms?
Please be sure to check back tomorrow for the Handmade Holiday Gift Giveaway #2!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Handmade Holiday Gift Giveaway #1
My superpower would be teleportation. I would never have to wait in traffic again and I could finally say goodbye to snow tires and driving on ice! Oh yeah, and it would take just seconds to see my parents, so I would do it all the time. How great would that be?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Handmade Holiday Gift Giveaway!
So, in an effort to be 1. more environmentally responsible, 2. frugal, and 3. help out those folks who have had a hard financial time lately I am starting the first annual Gift Giveaway.
Every Sunday morning, a new gift will be announced. In order for a chance to win, you leave me a comment,(please throw your e-mail addy in there somewhere) and every Saturday morning a winner will be chosen. Winners will be chosen by either a random number generator or (if the kiddos are in the mood) names out of a hat. It's that easy.
All items offered for the giveaway will come with a gift tag, some tissue paper, and a coordinating ribbon, so it's pretty much all set up for gift giving. Items will vary, one week it may be a baby thing, the next, a gift for get the picture.
If for some reason items are not ready by Sunday, or if I'm so ridiculously swamped with other goingons, I may make it worth the wait, we'll see. BUT, there will most definately be 10, that's right 10, gift giveaways between now and December 19th.
This weeks giveaway will be posted Sunday morning, 10/11 and will close Saturday morning 10/17. Item should be mailed on Saturday if I get your mailing addy early enough, if not they will go out on Monday.
Well, hope you folks find some fabbo gifts for the awesomely amazing people in your life. I look foward to revealing the first gift on Sunday!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
There's No Place Like Home
We went to Kenai to visit The Yimmy's parents. We all get along really well and they were so happy to see the kids. The Yimmy and I even got a half hour to ourselves while grandma and abuelo watched the kidlets.
Stinker at Resolution Park, Anchorage AK
Stinker with a Stuffed (not real) Grizzly
An old Alaska Native Cemetary in Cantwell, AK. (I have this thing with old cemetaries, weird, I know.)
Isn't Alaska just beautiful? Now I know why I decided to stay here and start my family!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Fabulous Fall Flannel Freebie!
(Photo pulled from
Check out her shop and her blog for more info on the super sweet giveaway.
Snow Day
Friday, September 25, 2009
I got me a new present!
This morning while Stinker was taking a much needed mini nap, I started up on one of his christmas presents. I mean, Santa started up on it. I used scraps of amy butler, some vintage brown gingham and a zoo style kiddie print to make stuffed letters spelling his name. As soon as I figure out my new camera I will go back to posting pics.
Well I will be insanely busy over the next couple of days as I will be out of town, so no more for now. Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
002: Freakin' Awesome Featured Shop
Sweet Sydney Bean from Etsy! i HEART SweetSydneyBean! Back in the beginning of August I ordered a bottle of teething oil and my works wonders. It smells wonderful, Stinker loves it and I still have lots left.

I want to try out the soap bits. The sample she sent with the teething oil smelled delicious, it was lemon and smelled fresh picked. Go check them out and you'll see what I mean.
More for HannahBugs B-day
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
HannahBug's B-Day Gift
On a lighter note, I don't get to see or speak to HannahBug except for maybe once a year when she is up here visiting her Daddy. She stays with him for a few months and last year her and I had a sleepover. This year, her Dad and I talked about her seeing me and we agreed that it was best to let her decide.
Since her birthday is coming up and money is VERY tight (and I am more than frugal), I wanted to make her gift. While her Dad and I were together, I made her lots of stuff, so I thought that it was fitting she got more handmade gifts from me. She was always very girly and has loved playing "Mommy" with her dolls. I made up this doll using this tute as a guideline. It came together super quick.
Beatrix, well that's what I've named her, has been made using 100% upcycled fabrics and even filling. The button eyes and bellybutton were from my stash as was the yarn hair. The body was a pair of The Yimmy's too small cargo shorts. I really like it with the cargo twill. It makes the doll really thick and should stand up to lots of rough dolly play. The stuffing came from a old throw pillow that has been sitting around waiting for a new life. The dolly quilt was salveged pieces from my constantly growing scrap bin. I used an old pilly baby blanket instead of packaged batting. Her little tiny doll mouth was embroidered on. I have to say that I'm pretty tickled with how it has turned out so far.
Obviously, giving a 5year old a naked doll is a major faux pax, so I will need to whip up some dresses or somthing. Since this has gone so quickly (both items made today inbetween dealing with a teething 4month old and making Taco Spaghetti Casserole, it sounds gross, but try it, it's really yummy and a total kid pleaser!) that I will be making like 5 more sets for the little ladies of our family.
001:Freakin Awesome Featured Shop
This is my favorite of her food patterns:
(Photo pulled from
Check out her shop and start sewing up your felt food christmas presents early! Every pattern is super affordable making it a great way to stock up your pretend pantry. I plan on making one or two of her patterns in the near future and will review them here for all of you who also want to try them out.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Freakin' Awesome Giveaway at Daddy Likey

(Photos Pulled From DaddyLikey's Blog)
drop by her
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Great little girly girl dresses

(Photo pulled from Sugar and Spice Creations website.)
BOO! It's nearly Halloween
Of course I am searching my stash of fabric and recon worthy clothes for all the pieces for everyones costume. I know for a fact that I will be going to Value Village tomorrow for their 99cent sale in search of something leopard print. I think I found nearly everything I need for Thing 1's witch costume. I had a pair of old granny pants sitting in the recon pile as well as a strech purple floor lenth skirt. Both are velour and that is the only reason I kept onto them. I'm not really a velour type person, but what preteen doesn't love it?
I started construction for the witch and I am really pleased with it so far. I added a ruffle around the collar area of purple tulle remanant that I picked up at Joann's for 32cents. I added star studs from my new found GeMagic. I am also embroidering a scardy cat in purple on the cloak. The purple velour skirt will be made into a dress, and I am thinking of dying a found lace curtain black and making bell sleeves for the dress. So far so good. I'm really excited about Halloween this year. I think more so than my kiddos are!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ah the mysterious red rash
Our local Value Village had their colored tag 99cent sale today. I scored a nice long sleeve mens knit shirt, a HUGE suede coat, and a brand new "GeMagic". It's like the TV order version of the Bedazzler. Way too Rhinestone Cowboy for me, but completely perfect for my two girls' jeans and such. They spotted it before I even got it out of the car and were poking around to see when we will use it. The thrift store prices originally totaled $35.00, but me, being uber frugal, scoured the racks and only paid $2.97. Oh yeah, and we have no sales tax in Fairbanks, so it was a total score.
The coat is in excellent shape, but really not something that I would wear. It's waaayyyy to big, and really, not many people can pull off a long column of tan, me included. It will however make like 500 baby bootie soles. Okay, maybe not really 500, but pretty darn close.
Well we are off to Girl Scouts. It's Thing 1 and Thing 2's first meeting and they can barely contain their excitement. We'll see how excited they are when volunteering comes up! Thanks for the kind words about Stinker and our rabbit. It feels great to know that people may actually read my blog, and care enough to throw some compassion my way. Thank you!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Whats Red and blotchy and swollen all over?
After ruling out a bug bite, a contusion, and some other various aliments, we settled on; an allergic reaction, staph/strep infections, or mersa. They gave him enough Benadryl to put down a horse but nothing. It didn't help his spot at all, but he did sleep soundly after that. They then gave him Clindamycin. and told me to come back in the morning if it didn't look great.
Fast foward to this morning......
It looks exactly the same. So we will be taking another trip to the ER. I am very worried about Stinker. He's only 4months old, so I get really nervous about him being sick. This is all news to him by the way. He feels great.
On a lighter note, I haven't gotten much sewing or refashioning done lately. With the move and being sick, I've been just too busy or tired to unpack the massive sewing area. I did get a ton done yesterday down there, so I felt a bit relieved. I did manage to dye some older stained shirts in our laundry soak sink. I went with RIT teal, although I really like how everything came out, I'd hardly call it teal. I also dyed a white granny sweater to what should have been teal, but is now sort of a baby blue. It's okay, not my favorite, but I guess I do like it much better than white. Now to take the shears to it and really make it something I would want to wear!
Off to the hospital for now.
***I'm sad to say that our black Mini Lop rabbit, Bun Bun passed away today. The reason is unknown, but she has been losing a bit of weight lately, and just was "off". We all loved her and she will be sorely missed. You were a great little bunny Bun Bun and Fergus and Emmit won't be the same without you.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Movin on Up
Thing 1 and thing 2 just love the new house. We have a great big backyard with two greenhouses, a garden, and a huge deck. They spent like an hour doing cartwheels in the grass the other day. It's a real family house, so I can't wait to get moved in.
I haven't done much sewing lately at all. I did a bit of organizing and salvaging of odds and ends off of old items before they hit the trash pile. The girls old cheese bookbags went to the garbage pail without their zippers or strap buckles. There really wasn't anything else on them worth keeping. I guess that's what you get for Toys'R'Us clearance bin vinyl backpacks. What can I say, it was last minute and they were all of $6 for both.
I have been packing up my fabric into bins to get it moved into the new house. YIKES!!! Where the hell did this all come from? Seriously, there is fabric in there that I am sure I have never seen. I don't think I had any kind of head accident that would have resulted in amnesia of my stash, but I suppose it is possible. I feel like I should be on the A&E show "hoarders". Okay, so maybe I'm not that bad. I mean I only hoard fabric and supplies, not like I hoard feral cats or mayo or anything, but still, now that it was all rounded up in one spot, it's ridiculous.
SO... Keep an eye out for a stash busting giveaway. Details are on the way, look for them next week. I promise to make it juicy!
Oh yeah, I ordered a darling little necklace for Grandma Millie (my mom, Stinker's Grandma) from LuluMcCleary . I can't wait to get it in. Let's just say it will be a teary Christmas for Grandma Millie! Here are the two pics I chose for the pendant and I will post pics of the finished product when it arrives.
Stinker at 1 week old

Stinker at 3 1/2 months old

Isn't he adorable?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lack of sleep makes folks delirious
Since he was born, I have had these ideas of all the things I wanted to get done. The scoreboard: ideas-way to many to count, actually completed-maybe one. I don't know if it is the lingering effects of all the drugs they gave me before my c-section or what, but I feel like I have way too many ideas and not nearly enough time or patience to get them finished.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
There's a new cat in town
Thing 1 and Thing 2 are super excited to be moving. They will still be sharing a bedroom, but there will be more space for all of us. Stinker Linker has no clue what is going on, so I have a doubt that it will affect him at all, other than he no longer has to sleep in our closet. I have a feeling that with all this packing going on, there will be a sharp decline in my sewing time.
Rupert and Panther will now have a lush jungle like greenhouse to lounge in. I think the bunnies will be spending a lot of time in there too!
In honor of the new digs, anyone that reads my blog gets a discount code for my etsy shop, good for 50% off of any one item and it expires 09/30/2009.
The code is: Meowskers Wowskers.
Feel free to copy and paste that when visiting my shop. Why meowskers wowskers you ask? Why not?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Yay for Recons!
The Yimmy makes fun of me and states that I need to realize we are no longer in the Great Depression, and that I do not infact, need to resort to salvaging zippers and buttons off of old clothes. But that's cool with me. A zipper is a zipper, wether or not it was on an old pair of pants or I just bought it.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Stone Soup Challenge
Sorry I couldn't just have a highlighted word that you click on and it takes you to that website. I haven't delved that far into the workings of blogging just yet. is an excerpt from their website:
The Stone Soup Challenge is a grassroots movement founded by artist Laura Bray. The goal of the challenge is for artists and crafters to help one another by promising to use a portion of their monthly profits to invest in a fellow artist's shop. To join us in helping artists everywhere and to read more about the challenge, please go to this post.
Really neat huh?
And since I'm on the topic of supporting your fellow crafters, check out Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they patronize a fellow etsy member...secretly. Awesome idea!