Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So things here have been hectic to say the least. The girls started school on Monday and of course most of my time has been spent making last minute school things. Remind me why a 3rd grader needs a baby blue zebra satin lunchbag. It is pretty darn swanky though.
It is lined entirely in lavender polyester from a pair of granny pants. Not too bad huh? Quite a stylish way to carry milk and a PBandJ sandwhich to school.
Today me and the Stinker went for a walk around our neighborhood. It was pretty chilly, but at least the clouds parted and the skies dried up for a while. Like always, he fell asleep before we even left the driveway. I ended up talking to myself, not because I'm crazy, but I didn't realize he blew me off for a nap. I did get to pick some fresh tart cranberries. I can't wait to pick some more so I can make chutney. I use this great recipe from the Ball book of canning. It's heavenly to say the least.
I also saw Thing 2's teacher from last year at the post office. Apparently she is a bit "clingy" with her teacher this year. She's in 3rd grade now but still hasn't figured out that people need their personal space. She likes to hug. A lot. Seriously, it's a bit much. It's great that's she's loving, but we are working on the whole "not everyone likes to be touched and hugged". P.S. I am one of those people. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm an only child and value my space. Or maybe I just find it weird. I am more than comfortable telling all the kiddos that I love them, but hugs? I just don't get it. Can someone explain to me the allure of hugging? I guess it's just not my thing.


  1. I still have the patterns waiting for you . . . . just email me your address.

  2. I'm a little late to the party but I thought it was funny you mentioned hte huggy thing....My daughter since kindergarten, nay since before kindergarten had been an extremely affectionate person. Didn't think much of it (really who would of a 4 yr old) until her first teacher told us that there was many times she had to be reminded "hands and feet to yourself!" She still is that way with any person that will let her get away with the personal space infiltration.
    I hope that she'll someday figure out when its appropriate and when not. Its better than being sullen and ornery I suppose! LOL
